Thorough Engine Cleaning Services In Long Island NY

Remove The Dust, Dirt, and Debris To Get A Like-New Condition Again

Your Engine Bay Will Look 10x Better

Whether you have just bought a new vehicle, plan to sell it, or want to give it some much-needed TLC, your engine will look much better once we are finished.

A clean engine bay makes your car look better (Legend has it; it’s also faster) and helps you diagnose car problems more efficiently. You’ll be able to quickly tell where the cause of the leak is or if anything has torn.

Here’s Our Engine Cleaning Process:

Inspect engine bay
We want to ensure there’s nothing we need to keep an eye on during the cleaning.


Cover sensitive areas
Depending on the car, this might be the battery, intake, etc.


Spray and agitate
This is where the tough cleaning uses various brushes and cleaning agents.


Final touch-up and dress plastic
Wrapping up the engine, we’ll touch up any areas that need it and shine up all the plastic panels.


Dry and blow any water
Now it’s time to dry the entire engine bay (including all the water in the tight areas).


Many of our customers are worried about cleaning their engine bay themselves as they think they might cause some damage. And just like anything else, without the proper tools, knowledge, and skills, you could cause some damage.

So when you have us go out to clean your engine, you can be sure we have all the proper knowledge, skills, and tools to get the job done correctly with no damage whatsoever 🙂

Notice: We no longer offer engine cleanings as a stand-alone service. We require you to pair it with a Premium Wash or any other service.

Simple Pricing

Price may vary based on size, condition, and type of engine bay.

*NOTE: Certain criteria are required for this service.*


Engine Cleaning FAQ

How long does this service take?

It depends on the size and condition, but it typically takes 30-60 minutes to complete. If the condition is worse, it’ll take longer.

Are you going to use water on my engine bay?

Yes, but we’re not flooding the engine bay with water. We’re careful to cover up the necessary areas, we hold the wand at a safe distance, and the primary focus is to rinse off the dirt, and that’s it.

There’s an oil leak/spill. Can you clean that up?

If your engine bay is covered in oil/grease, we cannot service it. There’s only so much we can clean and not get under or thoroughly into the engine bay, where much of the mess is collected.